High precision measurement system for the micro to macro sized aspheric optical surfaces
The Form Talysurf PGI 1240 from Taylor Hobson.
- 200mm Traverse unit with 0.11¼m \ 200mm straightness
- 12.5mm Gauge range, 0.2nm vertical resolution
- 50mm Gauge range possible with special styli
- Extensive Range of Optional Accessories, including styli for demanding applications
Typical applications:
- Digital Cameras
- Mobile phones
- Diffractive optics
- IR Sensors
- Lasers Industries served:
- Semiconductors
- Bio-medical
- Defense
- Aerospace
ZYGO GPI XP/D Phase-shifting interferometer system for non-contact static-fringe measurement of flat or spherical surfaces
PKS-250M Polariscope / Polarimeter for determining double refraction in flat blanks and products of transparent and weakly tinted materials.
- quantitative assessment of double refraction value by Senarmon method with an error of not greater than 10 nm,
- assessment of double refraction distribution in an object by interference tinting,
- examining distribution of double refraction in an object with circularly polarized light.
- large observable field for monitoring of large blanks and products and simultaneous monitoring of a few specimens.