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Chemical analysis equipment

  • The thermogravimetric analyzer STA 449 F1 Jupiter Netzsch and Differntial Scanning Calorimeter STA 6000 Perkin Elmer for determining the glass transition temperature, temperature and the enthalpy of phase transitions in glass ceramics.

The simultaneous application of Thermogravimetry (TG) and Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) to a single sample in an STA instrument yields more information than separate application in two different instruments:

  • The test conditions are perfectly identical for the TG and DSC signals (same atmosphere, flow rate, vapor pressure on the sample, heating rate, thermal contact to the sample crucible and sensor, radiation effect, etc.).
  • The analyzability of the signals is improved, since two or more sets of information concerning sample behavior are always simultaneously available (differentiation between phase transformation and decomposition, between addition and condensation reactions, recognition of pyrolysis, oxidation, and combustion reactions, etc.)

The simultaneous thermal analyzer NETZSCH STA 449 F1 Jupiter allows the measurement of mass changes and thermal effects between 25°C and 2400°C. The high flexibility caused by the various sensors, the great variety of sample crucibles and the wide TGA-measuring range make the system applicable for analysis of all kinds of materials including also inhomogenous substances.


  • High-performance, multi-purpose XRD system with small-angle scattering prefix Ultima IV Rigaku to determine the composition, size and shape evolved nanocrystalline phases.

The Ultima IV represents the state-of-the-art in multipurpose X-ray diffraction (XRD) systems. Incorporating Rigaku's patented cross beam optics (CBO) technology for permanently mounted, permanently aligned and user-selectable parallel and focusing geometries, the Ultima IV X-ray diffractometer can perform many different measurements


  • Full automated alignment under computer control.
  • Optional in-plane diffraction arm for in-plane measurements without reconfiguration.
  • Focusing and parallel beam geometries without reconfiguration.
  • SAXS capabilities.
  • Optional D/teX Ultra high-speed, position-sensitive detector system.

HT 1500 high temperature attachment is the automated variable temperature stage for in-situ X-ray diffraction measurements of materials at ambient and elevated temperatures (up to 1500°C). The stage may be operated in air, gas, vacuum, or under inert gas such as helium or nitrogen. The sample is heated radiantly for reduced heat gradients within the sample. Automated z translation within the stage assures precise sample positioning even in the presence of thermal expansion of the sample.

In the Ultima IV XRD system, CBO technology eliminates time spent switching geometries, enables everyday users to run both sets of experiments without the need to reconfigure the system, and reduces wear and possible optic damage associated with the recurrent switching process. CBO and automatic alignment combine for the ultimate in functionality for: micro-crystalline diffraction, thin-film diffraction, small angle scattering, and in-plane scattering.


  • Wavelength Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence spectrometer ARL PERFORM'X Thermo Scientific with the configuration for the local microanalysis visualizing the distribution of elements on the sample surface for full chemical characterization of advanced materials (including bulk elemental analysis capabilities with mapping and small spot analysis to create a solution that offers unmatched versatility and performance for the analysis of any solid or liquid sample of different materials in the range of elements from beryllium (Be) to uranium (U));

The Thermo Scientific™ ARL™ PERFORM'X Sequential X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer for advanced materials characterization integrates bulk elemental analysis with mapping and small spot analysis to create a solution that evaluates up to 90 elements in nearly any solid or liquid sample. Industries as diverse as metallurgy, petroleum, polymers, mining, glass, cement and refractories as well as labs dealing with geochemistry, materials science, environmental research and forensics will benefit from its performance and versatility


  • Optical microscopes: Leica DMRX Compound Polarised Light Microscope, Upright Light microscopes Axio Imager A1.m Carl Zeiss, Light Stereo Microscope Stemi 2000C Carl Zeiss with micromanipulator designed for the observation of objects in a large magnification range and different modes.

Higрlights for Axio Imager:

  • Brilliant optics for superb contrast and resolution
  • Modular stand concept with a range of motorized and encoded components for enhanced flexibility
  • Reproducible results due to stable stand and vibration-free working conditions
  • Upgradable with confocal laser scanning microscope LSM 510
  • Automated functions for accurate reproduction during quality controll and process control

Highlights for Stemi 2000:

  • Zoom range 7:1
  • Manual focusing drive with selectable click-stops
  • Stable manual and motorized stands and durable stage plate
  • Generous free working distance
  • Transmitted light or reflected light illumination based on cold light sources or LED
  • Available contrasting methods include brightfield, darkfield, oblique illumination, simple polarization
  • Universal camera interface for documention with Stemi 2000-C and Stemi 2000-CS

Hilights for Leica:

  • brightfield (BF)
  • darkfield (DF)
  • differential interference contrast (DIC)
  • qualitative polarization (POL)
  • fluorescence (FLUO)
  • A research-grade digitally controlled Leica DMRX/E Universal Microscope combines conventional illumination with various forms of contrast (linear and circular polarizing, phase) and 100W UV fluorescence imaging. A high-resolution automated Martzhauser stage is fitted to this microscope for automated image acquisition and image reconstruction

Camera lenses:

  • High-resolution optics and contrast optics (IC2S).
  • Camera lenses: 1,25х-100х, A-Plan, Achroplan, Plan-Neofluar.
  • Apochromat (APO) lenses have added correction for chromatic aberration.
  • Addition zoom lens: 1,25х; 1,6х; 2,5х; 4х.


  • Climatic chamber Sanyo MTH-4100PR for climatic test of samples.

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