About person

Kozlov Sergei Arkadevich
professor (qualification "leading professor")
Phone+7(812)480-05-80, +7(812)4800580
Work placeRussia, 199034, St. Petersburg, Kadetskaya lin. V.O., 3, b.2, lit. A, 101
Emailkozlov@mail.ifmo.ru, sakozlov@itmo.ru
Science Social ProfilersGoogle Академия: sergei kozlov, ResearchGate: sergei arkadevich kozlov
Sergei A. Kozlov, doctor of physical and mathematical Sciences, Professor, Dean of the faculty of Photonics and Optoinformatics, a renowned expert in nonlinear optics and laser physics of ultrashort pulses.
In 1982 he graduated with honors from the engineering Department of quantum electronics physics faculty of the ITMO. 1982-1985 – postgraduate student of the Department of quantum electronics.
Candidate of physico-mathematical Sciences (1986), associate Professor of physics (1992), doctor of physical and mathematical Sciences (1997) Professor in the Department of Photonics and Optoinformatics (2004).
Working at the University ITMO: engineer (1986), assistant Professor (1987-1991), associate Professor (1991-1998), Professor of physics (1998-2002). Dean of the faculty of Photonics and Optoinformatics (2002-present), supervisor of the Department of Photonics and Optoinformatics (2002-present), the head of the international Institute of Photonics and optical Informatics (2013-present).
Laureate of Lenin Komsomol prize on science and technology (1997). Three times (1995, 1997 and 1998) were included in the list of three hundred best professors of Russia according to the classification ISSEP ("Soros associate Professor").
Diploma of Russian Ministry of education (1994, 1997, 1998 — three times) for his scientific guidance of the best scientific student work.
Awarded the medal of A. A. Lebedev (2000) for outstanding achievements in the field of physical optics and significant contribution to the organization of scientific-research works on optics by graduate students.
In 2006, the scientific school "Femtosecond optics and femtotechnology", which is co-leader of C. A. Kozlov became the winner of the competition of scientific schools of St. Petersburg, and in 2010 – the Russian competition of scientific schools.
Organized the opening in 2004 of a new in Russia directions of preparation of bachelors and masters 200600 "Photonics and Optoinformatics". Since 2004 he is Chairman of educational-methodical Council on this educational direction in UMO by training in the field of Photonics, optical technology and instrumentation, Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation.
Awarded the medal "In commemoration of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg" (2004).
In 1982 he graduated with honors from the engineering Department of quantum electronics physics faculty of the ITMO. 1982-1985 – postgraduate student of the Department of quantum electronics.
Candidate of physico-mathematical Sciences (1986), associate Professor of physics (1992), doctor of physical and mathematical Sciences (1997) Professor in the Department of Photonics and Optoinformatics (2004).
Working at the University ITMO: engineer (1986), assistant Professor (1987-1991), associate Professor (1991-1998), Professor of physics (1998-2002). Dean of the faculty of Photonics and Optoinformatics (2002-present), supervisor of the Department of Photonics and Optoinformatics (2002-present), the head of the international Institute of Photonics and optical Informatics (2013-present).
Laureate of Lenin Komsomol prize on science and technology (1997). Three times (1995, 1997 and 1998) were included in the list of three hundred best professors of Russia according to the classification ISSEP ("Soros associate Professor").
Diploma of Russian Ministry of education (1994, 1997, 1998 — three times) for his scientific guidance of the best scientific student work.
Awarded the medal of A. A. Lebedev (2000) for outstanding achievements in the field of physical optics and significant contribution to the organization of scientific-research works on optics by graduate students.
In 2006, the scientific school "Femtosecond optics and femtotechnology", which is co-leader of C. A. Kozlov became the winner of the competition of scientific schools of St. Petersburg, and in 2010 – the Russian competition of scientific schools.
Organized the opening in 2004 of a new in Russia directions of preparation of bachelors and masters 200600 "Photonics and Optoinformatics". Since 2004 he is Chairman of educational-methodical Council on this educational direction in UMO by training in the field of Photonics, optical technology and instrumentation, Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation.
Awarded the medal "In commemoration of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg" (2004).