About person

Gubanova Liudmila Aleksandrovna
professor (qualification "associate professor of research")
Phone+7 (921) 307-83-35
Emailla7777@mail.ru, lagubanova@itmo.ru
Science Social ProfilersGoogle Академия: gubanova.102821.itmo
L. Gubanova graduated from Leningrad Institute of Fine Mechanics and Optics in 1978. She worked at LOMO from 1978 to 1884. She worked in the USRIT from 1984 to 1994. She has been working at ITMO University since 1994. In 1990 she defended her doctorate thesis in 2008. She received the academic rank of associate Professor in 1999, Professor in 2016. L.Gubanova is an author of more than 70 published works and 5 patents and inventor’s certificates