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About person

Petrov Nikolay V.
head of laboratory, professor (qualification "associate professor of research")
  • Phone
  • Work place
    Russia, 199034, St. Petersburg, Kadetskaya lin. V.O., 3, b.2, lit. A, 203; Russia, 199034, St. Petersburg, Kadetskaya lin. V.O., 3, b.2, lit. A, 206; Russia, 199034, St. Petersburg, Kadetskaya lin. V.O., 3, b.2, lit. A, 207; Russia, 199034, St. Petersburg, Kadetskaya lin. V.O., 3, b.2, lit. A, 219
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  • Science Social Profilers
    Google Академияnikolay petrov, ResearchGatenikolay petrov, ResearcherIDd-3228-2012, SCIENCE INDEX613079, spin-код: 8614-3171, Аккаунт Googlenickolai.petrov, Другойscopus author id: 7202910606


Nikolay V. Petrov received a master's degree from Saint-Petersburg State University in 2007 and got a Ph.D. degree in optics from the ITMO University, St. Petersburg, Russia. Since 2011, he has been a Senior Researcher and Associate Professor with the Department of Photonics and Optical Information Technology, ITMO University. Since 2016 he established a digital and display holography laboratory, and since 2017 he is a leading researcher. In 2019 he gained a doctorate (Dr. habil.) degree in optics. His research interests are currently focused on holography, femtosecond optics, and terahertz imaging. He has co-authored around 100 publications in the Scopus database. He is a member of OSA, SPIE, and the Optical Society named after D.S. Rozhdestvensky. Dr. Petrov was the recipient of the Russian Federation Government Prize in Education in 2010 and is a winner of several prizes: St. Petersburg Youth Award in Education in 2012, Yu. I. Ostrovsky Prizes for the best scientific work in the field of optical holography and interferometry in 2012, and 2015, St. Petersburg Government Prize in the field of scientific and pedagogical activity in 2015 and Yu.N. Denisyuk medal in 2017. OSA Senior Member from 2019.

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