About person

Kolobkova Elena Viacheslavovna
professor (qualification "professor of practice”)
Phone8 (812) 337-68-85
Work placeRussia, 199034, St. Petersburg, Birzhevaya liniya, 4, lit. M, 212
Emailkolobok106@rambler.ru, evkolobkova@itmo.ru
Science Social ProfilersResearchGate: e.v. kolobkova
E. V. Kolobkova was born 12 октября1954 year in Leningrad. In 1978 she graduated from Leningrad State University (Physical faculty). Since 1978 worked in the LTI. Lensoviet (now SPbSTI(TU)) at the Department of chemical technology of glass and ceramics. In 1988 she has defended a PhD thesis in Chemistry concerning study of glassy systems by the of Raman scattering.
In 1988-1995 engaged in the development of new materials based on phosphate and fluorophosphate glass systems for integrated optics. Since 1992 has developed and studied the optical properties of the glassy nanocomposite media containing quantum dots of semiconductor compounds A2B6 and А4В6 for Photonics. Based on these two areas in 2007 she has defended doctoral thesis in Chemistry concerning "Regularities of formation А4В6 A2B6 quantum dots and waveguide structures in phosphate and fluorophosphate glasses".
Since 2008 to present moment, she is working as a Professor at the Saint Petersburg State technological Institute (TU).
From 2011 to present working as a Professor at the Department of Optoinformatic technologies and materials of the ITMO University.
In 2015 he was awarded the Honorary Diploma of the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation for long-term fruitful work on development and improvement of the educational process, considerable contribution to training highly qualified specialists orders from 5 Oct 2015 No. 832/K-n
E. V. Kolobkova co-authored more than 300 scientific papers.